This page is part of the offer-holders section for students who have been offered an undergraduate place at ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó College.

Date / DeadlineWhat? Who? Instructions/ Further info
When you've got your Jan offer letter and know if you plan to accept.Please complete an offer reply form online.All new offer holders.Replying to your offer
31 Jan 24Apply for a Rowan Williams Cambridge studentship if you are from an area of instability or zone of conflict and, or have been, at risk of discrimination, persecution, suffering, violence or other abuse of your human rights.Offer holders for 2024 entry
9 Feb 24Upload a copy of your passport(s) following the instructions.All offer holders.Sending your passport
9 Feb 24Upload certificates for completed qualifications mentioned in your UCAS application following the instructions.All new offer holders.Certificates to send
9 Feb 24If you have taken an English Language qualification such as IELTS or TOEFL, please send your Score Report if you did not send it during the application process. We would like to receive this even if we did not set you an English Language condition as part of your offer. All new offer holders.How to send your results to ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó
9 Feb 24Cambridge Trusts application deadline for 2024 entry (we will send emails about this to overseas candidates at the end of January).Overseas fee status and 2024 entry.Financial information
9 Feb 24Students taken from the pool are asked to read the welcome page and send 'catch up' documents (A level score breakdowns if relevant; International Science Olympiad certificates if relevant). Students taken from the pool.Students who applied to a different College
9 Feb 24If your offer is for 2024 entry and you will need a visa to study at Cambridge (), please read the visa page and complete the online form there.International students (including EEA) who need a visa and are 2024 entry.Visa page
9 Feb 24All offer holders are asked to read this page by 9 February so that you know what to do if you get ill this year, if your home life or education gets disrupted in some way, or if you have a disability, Specific Learning Difficulty or long-term illness. All new offer-holders.Read this page including the linked information if relevant. 
9 Feb 24If you are a student who is or has spent time in Local Authority Care, please email us to confirm this so that we can send you further information. Affected new offer-holders.Care leavers
9 Feb 24If holding a Maths offer with a STEP condition, please read the STEP page for preparation info.Maths offer holders with a STEP conditionSTEP exams and preparation
9 Feb 24Offer holders in Classics who are not taking A level Greek or equivalent are encouraged to read the information in their offer letter about the JACT summer school and apply as soon as possible, if relevant. Classics offer holders for 2024 entry.
9 Feb 24If requested, or if you want us to review your Fee Status, complete a Fee Status Questionnaire, collect the accompanying documents and upload it via the upload tool.Some offer holders who have received an overseas letterFee Status Questionnaire
15 Feb 24Apply for a Choral Award if you would like to join the College choir. Once you've done your application form by 15 Feb, the further deadlines for this process are on the choral page.All (including deferred entry). 
1 March 2024ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó International Award Application2024 entry offer holders with overseas fee statusChrists International Awards page
18 - 20 March 2024Choral TrialsChoral Award applicants. 
29 March 2024Please return the completed Health Assessment Form and Immunisation Record Form by post or email directly to .Offer holders for Medicine (2024 entry). Medicine information
As soon as possible once the form for 2024-25 is available.Apply for student finance as soon as possible, if you've not already done so, or email us to confirm that you do not intend to apply for a student finance. 2024 entry offer holders with UK fee statusHome Finance page in Finance section.
Spring 2024The University will send an Information Pack to Medicine Offer Holders containing information, your enhanced disclosure form and self-declaration form. Offer holders for Medicine (2024 entry). Medicine information
Date tbc. April 2024Medicine DBS documents deadline. 2024 entry offer holders for Medicine. Medicine information
30 April 2024Deadline to email ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó and request changes to the exam entries stated in your UCAS application.All offer holders.Making changes to your exam entries 
4 May 2024
STEP exams registration deadline. Centres may set their own deadline in advance for accepting entries, so please make sure you speak to them as early as possible. Offer holders with a STEP condition. STEP exams registration
OngoingAsk a teacher to email us to keep us informed if your studies are interrupted or affected by illness or other factors during the year.All offer holders.Illness & other circumstances
6 June 2024Reply to your offer with UCAS ().All offer holders.Replying to your offer
6 June 2024

(to facilitate matters in case of any issues, ideally do this earlier than 6 June)

First (recommended) financial deadline

  • Financial Guarantee form and evidence document(s) for overseas students.
  • Confirmation of Student finance application or Evidence of means of financial support (Home students)
2024 entry onlySee relevant page in Finance section
30 June 2024Second (absolute) financial deadline (depending on your circumstances)2024 entry onlySee relevant page in Finance section
June/July 2024International examination results published. Depending on which qualification you've taken, you may need to send us your results. Some offer-holders.A level and other exam results & English Language conditions
June/July 2024Webinar for applicants applying for a Student visa (info about this sent by email to relevant students, 2024 entry only).2024 entry and need a visaVisa page
June 2024Overseas students start to receive CAS emails (in cases where all offer conditions have been met).Overseas students who need a visa and are 2024 entryVisa page
1 July 2024Deadline to meet English Language conditions
(if your offer includes them).
Some offer-holders.See your offer letter and English Language conditions
1 July 2024If you are a Home student and are not applying for a student loan, please send a fee status questionnaire and accompanying documents by 1 July.2024 Home students who are not applying for student loanSee Home finance
 6 July 2024International Baccalaureate scores published. See the page for offer holders receiving IB scores (now available).Some offer-holders.A level and other exam results.
15 Aug 2024A level, Pre-U and STEP results published. This page for offer holders receiving A level and other results with info for 15 and 16 Aug will be available from Tues 13 August.Some offer-holdersA level results day and A level and other exam results 
15 Aug 2024UCAS Confirmation of conditional places (in your ) once all results have been released.Offer holders with an academic condition. A level and other exam results.
15 and 16 AugConfirmation emails sent to students with a conditional place.Offer holders with an academic condition.Info received by email.
19 or 20 Aug 2024Online Accommodation Form emailed to 2024 entry freshers, to be completed by 1 Sept. This will include information and collection of preferences for accommodation.2024 entry students.Accommodation page
Week of 19 August UK offer holders with home fee status will receive an email to let you know if we have selected you to attend the Bridging Course or not (see your offer letter, normally page 2 if relevant). Note that this affects your arrival date. UK students - 2024 entry with home fee statusBridging Course
late AugOverseas students who have just met offer conditions start to receive CAS emails.Overseas students who need a visa and are 2024 entryVisa page
Second half of August 2024Consider signing up for one of the optional if you'd like to meet other students from your area going to Cambridge. 2024 entry students
31 Aug 2024Last possible date for meeting academic offer conditions (see your offer letter).Offer holders with an academic condition. See your offer letter and A level and other exam results.
1 Sept 2024Deadline for online Accommodation Form2024 entry studentsAccommodation page
5 Sept 2024 (4pm UK time)2024 Instrumental Awards application deadline2024 entry studentsInstrumental Awards
9 Sept 20242024 entry freshers get access to the online freshers information including full practical information about joining the College. Some information may also be sent by email where it is more individual so please ensure you are checking your emails.2024 entry students.Link available on 9 Sept
Late Sept 2024ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó International Freshers Week (optional!)2024 entry international students.International Freshers Week
Late Sept 2024Outreach Scholarship applications2024 entry students with home fee status who are eligibleSee email sent on 19/20 Aug to students with home fee status
29 Sept - 4 Oct 2024Bridging CourseSelected UK-educated offer holders with home fee statusBridging Course
5 Oct 2024Arrive at ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó - this is the standard date but see Arriving at ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó for details and updates (including information for students arriving from abroad)2024 entry students.Arriving at ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó
10 Oct 2024Lectures start (Cambridge weeks start on a Thursday)2024 entry students.Arriving at ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó
Late Jan 2025Finance information and updated Terms of Admission emailed to 2025 entry offer holders by ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó Admissions. 2025 entry students.Deferred entry
Late Jan 2026Finance information and updated Terms of Admission emailed to 2026 entry offer holders by ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó Admissions. 2026 entry students.Deferred entry

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