Costs at Cambridge fall into two categories:

Tuition Fees

This includes University Tuition Fees and, for overseas and students doing a second undergraduate degree it also includes College Fees.

Living Costs This includes whatever else you need to pay for while you're at university, such as accommodation, food, course costs/study materials, personal expenses and transport.


Tuition Fees

A fox under the trees in the Fellows' Garden

The Home tuition fees for 2024 entry are £9,250 per year. The fee level for 2025 entry has not yet been set. The fee information for 2025 entry will be published on the as soon as it is available.

Currently (for 2024 entry), Home students can take out a government loan to cover the cost of University Tuition, or choose to pay their fees from other sources. At the moment, if you do take out a loan, it is repaid in instalments once you leave university and are earning a minimum salary (the details of which vary for students from England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland). You will need to refer to the appropriate student finance award website for details of tuition fee support for 2025 entry, once available:

UK nationals living in the EU/EEA will qualify for Home Fee status until 2027. Please read (there is a section under the heading 'Returning to the UK for study')

EU nationals are asked to read our page for EU students (2023 entry and beyond). Please also check the regularly for updates.

Students resident outside the EU (including those resident in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) should consult the University's website for the for their subject (the overseas fees for 2025 entry will be published in the same place nearer the time). Fees paid by overseas students are generally higher than those paid by Home students. 

If you are taking a second undergraduate degree (for example, as an ) the Home fees are higher than those paid by first-time undergraduates.  is available on the University website.

Ultimate Fisbee team
 Ultimate Frisbee team

College fees

Home students do NOT have to pay college fees unless they are studying for a second undergraduate degree. 

Overseas students (including Channel Islands and Isle of Man) have to pay an additional college fee, which for 2024 entry to ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó College is Â£11,300 (the 2025 entry College fee will be confirmed here once available). Second-time undergraduates also have to pay this fee.

Living Costs

Cambridge colleges work to reduce costs for their students in many ways. While other Universities may expect you to sign a nine- or even twelve-month rental contract, at Cambridge you only pay for your accommodation for the weeks that you are actually in residence, and our terms are relatively short (eight weeks in the autumn and spring, less in the summer). You can cook for yourself, or choose from a variety of reasonably-priced catering options, and transport costs are low-to non-existent - particularly for students at ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó, which is extremely central! All this means that Cambridge is a much cheaper place to study than you might think. 

As a general guide for what you should allow for your living costs, this depends on how long you'll be living in Cambridge: 

Second Court
 Second Court
  • The University estimates that most students, who will only be in Cambridge during term time, should allow approximately £10,950 for the year in 2024-25 for living costs in Cambridge (though this will vary depending on lifestyle, and you should allow for increases in future years). . 
  • The University estimates that students who will be in Cambridge all year round should allow approximately £14,600 in 2024-25 for the year for living costs in Cambridge  (though this will vary depending on lifestyle, and you should allow for increases in future years). . 

Most undergraduate students at Christ’s actually spend less on their living costs that the University estimates. Accommodation costs at Christ’s are low (you can find out more about the cost of different rooms at ÓÐÁϺÐ×Ó on our accommodation page) and meals are subsidised. Academic and recreational facilities and activities are available at minimal or zero cost to students. You can also read about the generous financial support available to undergraduates at the College. 

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